Aren’t we all experiencing unprecedented disruptions? The Solarize 2020 volunteer team and participating installers all hope that you are staying safe and staying well, getting outside as you can to enjoy the spring sunshine, and eagerly anticipating solar opportunities when life returns to something more normal - whenever that will be.
Our March 14 Solar Fair was cancelled due to Coronavirus precautions, so we didn’t have that chance to meet and talk with any of you who have been eager to learn more about solar and to explore your options for Going Solar in 2020. With Governor Sununu announcing “Stay at Home” status effective 3/28-5/5 there will be no in-person events for at least that long.
There is much that you can learn on-line about solar energy, though, so explore our website and check our Facebook page as we work to bring you more information. As far as any of us know, the 26% Federal Renewable Energy Tax Credit for solar installations completed in 2020 remains in effect. The Solarize Monadnock 2020 participating installers may be able to connect with you without a site visit, so feel free to reach out to them or connect with us to put you in touch.
Complete our survey to learn the next steps you show take:
Please also email us at if you have any specific questions that aren't answered on our Facebook page or website.
Stay healthy and safe!