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Solarize Monadnock

Solarize Monadnock - March & April's Campaign Update

Solarize Monadnock is a bit over one month into its campaign and things could not be going better. ReVision Energy is working hard on site visits, contracts, and getting ready for the first install under the SM name.

So far this campaign has attracted people interested in site visits at everywhere Solarize Monadnock Volunteers go and volunteers are attending all sorts of events - from Solar Open Houses like the one Rindge State Representative John Hunt held opening up the "Hunt Castle" on May 5th, to smaller events like daytime Lunch & Learns, to even more humble tabling events at such locations as 'the dump'. But no matter where the Solarize Monadnock team is located they are spreading the work and creating excitement around this campaign and have the results to show their efforts are making a difference in their towns!

ReVision Energy has signed eleven signed contracts and 7 more on the way at the end of April. This will bring over 100kW of solar power into the five participating towns.

Solarize Monadnock can't wait to reach out to more of our local residents interested in installing solar and helping them connect with our selected installer for this campaign, ReVision Energy. Check back soon for an end of May update!

Hunt Castle - Location of May 5th Solar Open House

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1 comentario

Mary Ewell
Mary Ewell
07 may 2019

Can't wait to learn more about solar installs in May!

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